Optimal Mind Clinic

OPTIMAL MIND CLINIC is the professional clinical counselling arm of WORKLIFE SOLUTIONS LTD offering a range of mental health services to individuals, teams, and corporate organisations


Our Areas of Focus

  • General mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety
  • Emotional challenges such as low self-esteem, fear, anger & guilt
  • Self-limiting & Relationship Insecurity
  • Life Crisis and Traumatic experiences
  • Career change and Life transition

Our Services

Guided sessions in a supportive group setting to help individuals navigate stress, anxiety, and other challenges.

Private sessions with licensed therapists for personalized mental health support.

Raising awareness and promoting mental health-friendly policies in workplaces. ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Programs on emotional intelligence, stress management, and leadership development.

Confidential support for employees to enhance well-being and productivity.

Quick self-assessment tools to evaluate emotional and mental well-being.

Assessing candidates’ mental fitness and emotional intelligence for better hiring decisions.