By promoting mental wellbeing in the workplace, we are creating psychologically safe environments where individuals and systems are managed in ways that guarantee sustained productivity and performance. Building a culture of organizational wellbeing need not be a cumbersome process. Here are five easy steps that you can begin with as a leader in your organization:

The 5 Rs of fostering a wellbeing culture:

  1. Reach out and have conversations:
    A good place to begin is to institute a culture of kindness by initiating wellbeing conversations. Ask people the basic questions: “How are you today?” “How are things going?” Don’t we ask these questions at home? Why do managers believe that they must switch off empathy and kindness once they enter the work environment?
  2. Recognize signs of stress:
    Recognize the signs of stress in both individuals and teams. For individuals, look out for mood swings, sudden withdrawal, increased or exaggerated emotional reactions (e.g., laughing or crying), itchiness or nervousness, more time off work, or tardiness. For teams, you may notice more complaints and arguments among team members, sickness absences, lower productivity and performance, higher staff turnover, breakdown of relationships, or bullying.
  3. Respond to what you have recognized:
    If you observe that someone is experiencing stress or other mental health issues like burnout or anxiety, encourage them to talk to someone or take action. Do not ignore what you have observed.
  4. Reflect on the actions taken:
    Monitor and review the actions you have taken. Consider how effective they are, and if not, try something else. Use your data and metrics to evaluate success.
  5. Routine:
    Make it a routine to ask these questions. This normalizes talking about how people feel and, over time, builds a culture of open communication and support around mental wellbeing.

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